Let your children play in the mud

Muddy Children

Video Presented by Professor Jennie Hudson

Professor Jennie Hudson's research focuses on the prevention and treatment of children's emotional health problems using cognitive behavioural therapy.

Professor Jennie Hudson is a researcher at the Centre for Emotional Health in the Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. Her research focuses on anxiety disorders in children and adolescents, specifically the role of parents in the development of anxiety disorders in youth. Her work also focuses on the prevention and treatment of children’s emotional health problems using cognitive behavioural therapy.

Prof. Hudson has co-authored a book ‘Treating anxious children: An evidence-based approach’ (2000) and edited a book “Psychopathology and the Family” (2006). In recognition of her achievements, Prof. Hudson has received awards from a number of organisations including Australian Psychological Society, Anxiety Disorders Association of America, The Australian Association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and The Australian Institute of Political Sciences.

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